Biaya Perawatan
Biaya Dasar
Perawatan | Biaya (IDR) |
Konsultasi Dokter Spesialis | 581,326 – 759,018 |
Paket Pemeriksaan Kesehatan | mulai dari IDR 1,001,342 |
Harga untuk Prosedur Terkenal yang Banyak Dicari
Paket | Biaya (IDR) |
Denervasi Renal (RDN) | 128,840,592 |
Paket Skrining Jantung | 4,241,031 |
Skrining Kanker Paru-paru | 2,099,542 |
Operasi Bypass Jantung (CABG) | On Pump, IDR 254,812,904 |
Off Pump, IDR 222,512,334 |
Paket | Biaya (IDR) |
Paket Operasi Katarak | 12,271,030 |
Paket Koreksi Penglihatan menggunakan LASIK | 13,727,675 per mata |
Kesehatan Wanita: Paket 1 | 1,027,087 |
Kesehatan Wanita: Paket 2 | 1,414,697 |
Pengencangan Perut (Tummy Tuck) & Pengencangan Payudara (Breast Lift) | 93,309,877 |
Daftar di atas merupakan taksiran biaya! Total biaya perawatan nantinya bisa lebih atau kurang, semua tergantung dari kondisi pasien, teknik pembedahan, dan obat yang digunakan.
Tidak semua keluhan medis dapat diberikan taksiran biaya karena terkadang dokter ingin bertemu dengan pasien sebelum memutuskan tindakan yang akan dilakukan sehingga biaya perawatan akan tergantung dari keputusan dokter.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang biaya perawatan, silakan hubungi kami di +6221-2789 9788 atau WhatsApp.
Paket dan Promosi Terbaru
A surgical procedure that is used to treat coronary artery disease.
- On-Pump Package – Rp 254,565,422
- Off-Pump Package – Rp 222,296,202
*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
- Basic Package: Rp 1,000,345
- Basic Plus Package: Rp 1,129,422
- Privilege Package: Rp 2,936,499
- Premium Package: Rp 6,608,736
- Premium Plus Package: Rp 8,028,581
- Tourist Wellness Package: Rp 2,581,537
This package is inclusive of:
- Physical Examination & Consultation by Consultant Cardiologist
- General Screening Profile
- HbA1c
- Choose Two: Treadmill Exercise Test/ ECHO/ CT Coronary Calcium Scoring
- Medical Report & Review with Consultant Cardiologist
- MyHeart Program Membership
*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
Reach your wellness goals with us:
- Enquire - Initial screening process will be done to make sure you are eligible.
- Consult - Consultation will be arranged with specialist and if suitable, balloon placement will be scheduled.
- Preparation - Diet consultation history and meal planning by our dietitian.
- Placement - The execution of the balloon placement and the journey starts for 4 months.
- Support & Tracker - We will keep track of your progress and support you by monitoring your diet.
- Journey - New you, new life after 4 months. We will continue to support you after your balloon placement.
*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
Package includes:
- Risk Profiling
- Low-Dose CT Scan
- Consultation & Review with Pulmonologist
*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
Tummy Tuck & Breast Lift
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift
- Liposuction
- Tummy Tuck
- Liposuction Arms + Rp 33,237,296
- Liposuction Thigh + Rp 35,173,449
- Breast Augmentation + Rp 54,857,674
*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
For the treatment of hypertension:
- 2 days 1 night stay in a sharing room
- Covers straightforward procedure with no complications
- Applicable for self-paying patient only
*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
- Surgery price (per eye) with I-year warranty
- 0% Interest Easy Pay Facility available up to 36 months